Friday 29 August 2014

Crystal and Indigo Energy and me xx ** update **

 If something bad happens to us it may just be a blessing in disguise so as to take us in the right direction if we are going off our souls path. The worst thing to happen to me was the death of my 5 year old son but he did put me on my spiritual path or has helped me to locate it as I believe it has always been there but just laying dormant until God and my Angels believed I was ready and my heart was re-opened after his loss..
I wanted to put up a post about Crystal and Indigo energies as it was pointed out to me that I could have a blend of these energies after I explained what my life purpose was in a forum (now that I have done a lot of soul searching and found it as I was a bit lost last year)..  So I've been looking up both Crystal and Indigo children/adult as most information is on the new generation of kids that are here to change the energy on the planet. On researching the subject as I wasn't familiar with it I have discovered it's the colour of the Aura (energy field and frequency) that surrounds the body and also they have certain characteristics God also has a plan for those that have this energy it is written deep in your soul it will be your passion and what drives you.. I have found this webpage and can tick off some of the characteristics that resonate with me and it did explain why I am the way I am.. I will put the points that fit me from the Crystal Children website I found (linked above) I don't think everything you find on the net about these things will be an exact fit to everyone but you will know in your own heart and soul that it is you and it will help you find your life purpose.. I know I was put here on earth so as to serve others and not myself as even growing up it was never about me and what I wanted as the usual reply when asked what did I want was a shrug of the shoulders and "I don't know!!" as I never did want for anything as I was always content I  still give the same reply when asked ..
Here I am at about 6 in the yellow ..  I think it was my little sisters 2nd Birthday..
Characteristics that fit me from the linked website I haven't included them all as post too long..
*Sensitive to chemicals, perfumes and pesticides
Yes I am sensitive to perfume as I can't wear it because it makes me itchy and gives me a head ache,
 I can wear deodorants with no problems products like Impulse make me nauseous..
*Sensitive to foods, may have many allergies
I haven't come across any food allergies but I can't stand carrots yuk! when on a Brownie/Guide trip in  Sydney once I was being forced by one of the parents to eat them I nearly threw up that was the last time I ate carrots..
*Quiet, keep to themselves
Yes I've always been quiet and kept to myself so an Introvert and very reserved around  people and strangers until I know and trust them. I only talked when necessary my big sister done all my talking I think I was a late talker and walker as I've never been in any sort of hurry even my birth was slower than my sisters.
*Deep penetrating gaze when looking at someone
I don't know about that but I do love to  watch and observe people I've always done this as I have always kept to myself and only chat to someone after I scan them and trust them. I don't like liars or gossips and I never have, I resonate with genuine people that speak from their heart and I can easily pick them.
*Sensitive, empathic
Yes I can tell by just looking at some one their mood. I can put myself in others shoes and literally feel what they would this is second nature to me and do it on a subconscious level..

 School photo Year 2
My eyes are Hazel in colour.
At school I was always the quiet achiever and worked quietly and done as I was told just an average student.. In maths I knew the answers but what let me down was having to show how I worked the answer out as I just knew what it was.. I never asked questions of anyone not even teachers so very self reliant and independent of thought always, I never took part in group class discussions as it was always reported on my report cards I also refused to read aloud and when forced to it ended in tears as some boys up the back teased me that was in high school.
*Easily overwhelmed by stress such as bad moods of other people
Yes  I don't like others bad moods or people complaining not sure I get stress or overwhelmed but I have become more sensitive to it a lot lately when it occurs with family members. I avoid negative energies of others.
*Easily overwhelmed by the news, may not read newspapers or watch television
Not sure about that one but I haven't watched TV very much at all this year I used to have it on all the time just for the white noise in the background.
*People feel instantly comfortable around them, drawn to them
Not sure you would have to ask other people I know I don't intimidate anyone some don't even know I'm in the room I'm so quiet .
*They avoid crowds, become overwhelmed by all the energy
That would be a yes I avoid the Christmas rush and shopping if crowded and going out to the club on a busy night as when I did go as soon as all the people came in I wanted to go as I felt the surge of energy off everyone and the vibe of the place. Small crowds are okay just close squashy ones with lots of people make me uncomfortable it is worse if I know all the people around. I prefer one on one contact with others.
*Very “lucky” , they seem to be surrounded by luck and/or have miracles happen around them or where they go
I would say yes as things just seem to happen for me at the right time to help with my way of life such as getting house (mortgage), job and other events so feel protected and looked after from above..
*They may engage in non-verbal communication, telepathy, or prefer internet communication rather than in person
Yes not sure about telepathy but sometimes I think along the same lines as hubby and usually say  something he was thinking about.. I always finish others people's sentences especially the kids it must be annoying but I can't help it.. I do prefer internet communication as I probably give away a lot more of me than if I was to talk to someone face to face especially about myself as I do hide behind a wall if it has to do with my own feelings and what I want or need emotionally. Growing up I loved having my older sister around because I knew I didn't have to talk or amuse the crowd as she always does that she would be an extrovert.

With 2 of my sisters I think we were dressed up to go to Sunday School (Methodist) my elder sister loved the song 'Yankee Doodle' and the first time she went to school or Sunday school they didn't sing it so she didn't want to go again. Sunday school was the only church I went to my great grandfather was a lay-preacher but he died when my mum was about 8.. So I've grown up with Christian values..
*Have high regard for their own personal space, fearful of letting people get to know them
Yes I like my own personal space and alone time..  I hide myself behind a wall of silence as mentioned above so a lot of people probably don't understand me as I don't give much away. I am more interested in other people's life and who they are than talking about me and who I am. So if chatting with someone they have the power not me, but I will never be controlled as I won't do what I know I shouldn't.
*Withhold emotions, have fears of losing control of their temper
Yes I have always done this I can't remember throwing tantrums as a child and when I had to cry because of getting in trouble with sister or if anyone in the house hold was cranky I would run into my room and bury myself under the blankets so as not to let anyone see me upset I still do this cry alone maybe not under the bed sheets but where no one can see me.. When physically hurt I never told anyone, once I had a boil in my ear for ages and never told anyone until mum discovered the pus on my pillow..  I am very easy going so rarely if at all lose my temper I would have to really be provoked a lot before losing it. If it is anything to bring attention to myself I avoid it tantrums are the #1 attention grabbers so didn't do it. **I don't drink alcohol as it causes the loss of control of who I am I got so drunk at my sisters wedding I spent the night with my head in the toilet bowl it was not my idea of fun (I can't stand to vomit) so my alcohol intake is very minimal if at all, alcohol will also block your mind from hearing your Guides and Angels. Also on the website I've linked to she uses the word fear a lot I don't think it is a fear that crystal energies have as they have an inbuilt psyche as to their own behaviour and a moral code and that stops them from doing what they don't want to do..
She also uses the word stress a lot that is also a state of mind if you have the right attitude your stresses will be minimal.. I can't say I am a worrier as I do take things as they come and deal with what ever lands in my lap at the time so very optimistic**

If you read other websites a Crystal children are also late talkers, I just asked my mum if I was later than normal to start talking she said I was but then I had no need to talk as my big sister done it for me, I was also easy to take care of as a child mum had to wake me for feeds as a baby and whatever my sister asked for I also got as in drinks, lunch etc. As a teen mum could always depend on me to help with the housework and chores but my sister was too busy for that so I know I was put here to help others and not myself.
So that is me in a nut shell I'm very quiet, self reliant so don't depend on others for my emotional well being I actually avoid it (even after the loss of my son we were offered counselling but didn't take it up as I don't let in on my emotions to anyone), I can help others with theirs if I think they need it and I will love and protect those under my care and try to make them happy if I can as their bad moods affect me. I am very peace loving and would never hurt another human intentionally with my words or actions. The Indigo energy I feel I have is I don't care what others think of me as I will not change as I am who I am and have always been, I don't or didn't give in to any sort of peer pressure and always done my own thing. I avoid all conflicts and don't argue I am a bit stubborn in that if I don't want to do something I won't and I dig my heels in and procrastinate to avoid it and eventually forget about it.. I have trouble saying no to others as I like to give assistance to those that need my help even if it is to my own detriment to help at certain times..I will never ask any one to help me as I am self- reliant. I am also hard working and give 100% no matter the task at hand especially if it for others and I'm being paid .. I don't like driving in heavy traffic areas as I think there is too much energy and I was thinking maybe in a former lifetime I may of had a car accident so usually only drive around small country towns, city traffic would make me to nervous to drive in. I'm not sure about the crystal aspect they write about in the Crystal children posts on other blogs ..I may of been sent earlier as a scout for the new generation so when I fully awaken I would love to be able to see people's aura's and help them to find themselves (their true soul and higher self) so not sure in which direction my spiritual path is going just now .. I have purchased some crystals as I was led to them .. it's one step at a time while you find your spiritual gifts just trust that all the discoveries you are led to are real and you are being divinely guided so keep your mind and your heart open to all possibilities as God and your Angels know your souls path they will lead you where you are needed to help humanity and to raise the vibration of the ego driven planet as it currently stands. So much nastiness over the internet and other ways we all communicate..
Remember God wants us all to walk the path of LOVE not our ego's which is 'Fear' laden and causes negative energy which reflects and infects our planet and the whole universe and it comes back at us.
Music after this long post
More Katy Perry - Ghost
Sending lots of love and light
open your heart and let it in
from me and your Angels.

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